La Décoration des émotions
“Are we only aware of the true place of decoration in our lives and of the fact that we arrange, we decorate, we hang, we furnish to the rhythm of our emotions?
Each decor we choose depicts, in its own way, a bubbling, a stir, a passion, a disturbance, sometimes a tear...
Let us let go, let ourselves be overwhelmed by our feelings, our emotions, to transform them into beauty in our homes and rediscover the art of living to help us live better, to live “beautiful”…”
For the first time in a book, Estelle Quilici, interior designer, explains in a very practical way how to link the management of our emotions (nostalgia, joy, surprise, satisfaction) to our need, our desire, our way to decorate, to arrange our house. How, through the process of feeling emotions, we create our "inside".
Text in french
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La Décoration des émotions
Sale price28,33€
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À Paris chez Antoinette Poisson
It is in this timeless setting, between tradition and modernity, that we make the emblematic objects signed "À Paris chez Antoinette Poisson."